Statement from Lambeth TUC and contact details:
Lambeth Trades Union Council
LTUC says – “Privatisation has failed!”
In the last century these services were brought into the public sector for good reason. Since privatisation was introduced these vital services for the people have collapsed.
Take water for example – high charges for water companies share holders to have high dividends.
Or housing – Lambeth like the rest of London cannot house its people.
Or transport – rail is a public service and should be brought back into the public sector. All stations should be fully staffed when services are running. The government should not repeal the fire safety regulations brought in after the Kings Cross disaster.
LTUC calls on all Trade Unions, Trade Unionists, Pensioners, tenants & the unemployed in the borough to join us in the call for these services to be brought back into the public sector.
Join us in the call for jobs - pensions to allow all dignity in old age - free secular education - decent housing for all - reliable supplies of water - safe public transport – defence of the NHS and Welfare state!
Have your Trade Union Branch affiliate to Lambeth Trades Union Council
Report from LTUC delegate to GLATUC meeting of 13 January 2007
Contact details:
Anita Wright
Lambeth TUC Chair
11 Camden Hill Road
SE19 1NX
07939 94 84 04